Parenthood is an exciting, confusing, rewarding, infuriating, isolating, and community-building experience. Through writing about my experiences and reactions to parenting-related articles, I aim to foster a sense of inquiry and inclusion rather than to promote any sort of ideal or philosophy. After all, most of us are just flying by the seat of our pants, doing what works and what feels right.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A second chance at breastfeeding

The following post is reposted with permission from the original post at

I recently read this article on the Huffington Post, which brought me to tears. I do not know why the author's breastfeeding experience was so difficult, and it sounds like she doesn't either. Although, if I had to guess, it would have something to do with the tongue tie that she refers to some lactation consultants thinking her son might have had. I couldn't help but comment in the event that my experience helps anyone at all. I know that when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I don't want to sound like a one-issue person, but my experience with other women tells me how common and misunderstood ties are.

At any rate, read on. With sympathy and compassion, please.

The fact is that I don't know what I'll do if future kid #2 turns out to be this difficult to breastfeed.

A Second Chance at Breastfeeding

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